
Welcome to my blog. This is my thoughts, prayers, and what I learn. God is an amazing God, the one true God. My life is nothing without Him. My heart's desire is to win this city for Him. To glorify Him in all I do. Enjoy, take a peek at some of my stuff. Leave a comment. Answer the poll. Just enjoy!

12 August, 2010

Limitless God

So many times I feel convicted about certain things. There are different sins, or small ways of how we conduct ourselves. The books we read, the movies we watch, or even the people we spend the majority of our time with. Convictions are God's way of guiding us and growing us. Giving up small things for something better, even when we don't know that giving up rated R movies for a year will give us a better attitude and purer thoughts. Some people feel convicted to dive in farther with their relationship with God. They feel they should press in even more, start testing the gifts God gave them. Some people start seeking and going farther than those immediately around them. When we decided to press in, not everyone will support it. Even Christians will tell us we are wrong, or that God isn't wanting us to heal people. We are fine with just reading our bibles and praying. The truth is, it stirs people. No one wants to be pushed before they are ready and radical Christians have always been mocked by their brothers and sisters in Christ. I am not calling myself a radical, trust me I wish I was a radical. What I am saying is that I have been pressing farther into God than ever before. I want to see people healed the same way the disciples did after Christ ascended. I want to see thousands saved at a time like on the day of Pentecost. What I want, is a God without limits and boundaries. We always say, "God is a great God," yet we act like He is limited. We don't claim our spiritual gifts, we don't push for more. I began to become restless with just prayer and reading. I love it I do, but I felt there was more. Now, I am experiencing that more. The more I seek the opposition rises, even in those I love. As someone wanting a great God without limits, then I can't accept the limits others try to oppose.

Let's say goodbye to a limited God, and run straight for our God who wants to perform His works through us, who wants to part the Sea and raise the dead. That is the God I serve.

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